Sunday, January 31, 2010

Crow's Nest Crew

The pilot in the photo (top left, back) is Alex J. (Jean) Crow, namesake of the original Crow's Nest. The nose art was painted on at West Palm Beach Florida shortly before he ferried it across the Atlantic to Africa then around Spain to England. He flew all of his combat missions in the second Crow's Nest. He flew the ship from May 22, 1944 to August 19, 1944. He turned 22 the day after he finished his last mission.

After completing his 35 missions he relinquished the second Crow's Nest and rotated back to the USA. He received both the Air Medal and the DFC for his service in the Crow's Nest.

He believes the first one (below, the one with the 466th BG) was shot down over Belgium.

- William Crow

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have 2 large photographs of the second Crows Nest 42-95303. One of the aircraft on tarmac and one with aircraft w crew I will try and post them here or elsewhere